
Guards are devices made of hard or soft plastic that cover the teeth. The mouthguard helps to protect teeth at night in patients suffering from bruxism, protect teeth and mucous membranes in performance athletes or can be used for at-home whitening treatments. The mouthguards can also be used as an aid in paraclinical examination, as radiological guides or for the diagnosis of bruxism.

Bruxism is a condition that is manifested by grinding teeth. If bruxism is not kept under control it can affect the jaw joint, teeth and any dental work. So far no cure has been found for bruxism, but it can be kept under control. A night guard that protects the teeth from the very strong pressure unconsciously exerted on the jaw will prolong the life of dental work.

To make a mouthpiece, an initial impression is required and sent to the dental laboratory where the mouthpiece is made. The mouthpiece is then adjusted according to the patient's occlusion.

Types of guards


  • Bruxism mouthguard - is a nighttime mouthguard that prevents the triggering of the teeth clenching reflex, thus avoiding pain and dental abrasion.
  • Contention braces - have an orthodontic role and are mainly used to stop tooth movement after removal of fixed braces
  • Whitening mouthpiece - presents a space on the vestibular faces of the teeth, a reservoir for the whitening gel that does not allow it to move towards the gums when they are placed in the mouth.
  • Implant protection brace - Allows muscle and temporomandibular joint relaxation during the night