parodontoza boala parodontala

Periodontitis - periodontal disease - is a chronic inflammatory gum disease. Periodontitis occurs in the tissues supporting the tooth on the arch: gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and can lead to tooth loss by destroying the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth.

The cause of periodontitis is represented by certain bacteria located at the boundary between tooth and gum that under certain conditions (poor oral hygiene, smoking, diabetes, high stress, low immunity, genetic predisposition, etc.) multiply and begin to infiltrate around the tooth, between the gum and the tooth root where they cause destruction of the supporting bone so that the teeth begin to move.

A fundamental element related to periodontal disease is the tartar ("stone") that deposits at the base of the teeth. It contains among other things those bacteria that lead to the destruction of gums and bone. In advanced stages of the disease, tartar also deposits on the surface of the root of the teeth, under the gum, making it impossible to remove by ordinary means.

The same signs of periodontal disease do not occur in all cases, but the most common are:

  • Existence of tartar deposits at the base of the teeth
  • Bleeding gums after brushing
  • Swelling of the gums
  • The appearance of purulent secretions when pressing on the gum
  • Gum removal and root uncovering
  • Tooth movement and even falling out.

Without proper treatment of periodontitis the disease progresses and the following effects occur:

  • Bone destruction will become more pronounced
  • Gums will recede more and teeth will appear longer
  • Tooth movement will occur, which will become annoying and even painful
  • Gradual loss of teeth.