Name Price
Application of mummifying paste 100.00 RON
Direct hairstyle 50.00 RON
Indirect hairdressing 60.00 RON
Consultation with a paediatric specialist 200.00 RON
Temporary tooth removal 50.00 RON
Temporary tooth extraction with resorption 150.00 RON
Temporary tooth extraction without resorption 200.00 RON
Composite temporary tooth filling 200.00 RON
Temporary tooth canal filling 50.00 RON
Color Flow light-curing filling 150.00 RON
Long-term filling 200.00 RON
Devitalizing dressing 100.00 RON
Provisional anti-inflammatory/antibiotic dressing 100.00 RON
Oral cavity brushing milk teeth 150.00 RON
Professional brushing mixed dentition  200.00 RON
Professional brushing, ultrasonic scaling and permanent teeth fluoridation 230.00 RON
Wide sealing 200.00 RON
Simple sealing 150.00 RON
Dental fluoridation treatment 100.00 RON
*The duration of treatments varies depending on the clinical situation of each patient.